all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 3AA 25 2 51.549211 -0.141744
NW5 3AB 25 5 51.549829 -0.143107
NW5 3AD 1 1 51.549678 -0.141667
NW5 3AE 1 1 51.549629 -0.142016
NW5 3AF 1 1 51.547536 -0.14725
NW5 3AG 1 1 51.5478 -0.147441
NW5 3AH 1 1 51.549201 -0.142812
NW5 3AN 36 2 51.5495 -0.143885
NW5 3AP 5 1 51.549112 -0.146306
NW5 3AU 8 0 51.548813 -0.145961
NW5 3AY 21 0 51.549607 -0.145161
NW5 3BA 2 2 51.548909 -0.146909
NW5 3BB 9 0 51.550088 -0.147694
NW5 3BH 5 3 51.549976 -0.148031
NW5 3BJ 5 0 51.548693 -0.144232
NW5 3BL 11 0 51.54861 -0.144639
NW5 3BP 5 0 51.548344 -0.144318
NW5 3BS 5 0 51.548203 -0.143949
NW5 3BT 41 0 51.548773 -0.143608
NW5 3BU 1 0 51.549119 -0.142152